I know most bakeries will sell a sweet potato cupcake but I have never been a fan of the idea. Even though it is one of my oldest son's favorite foods. I think he could eat sweet potatoes everyday. Personally, I have always been more of a cheesecake fan. I actually ate cheesecake everyday during my pregnancy with him. I think back to those days over 18 years ago and I wouldn't dare try that today. Sorry for the digression...what I really want to talk about is how delicious these cupcakes turned out.
So back to the business at hand.
Saturday my youngest son and I went to the apple orchard and they were giving out samples of...you guessed it....sweet potatoe pecan butter. I was surprised to find out how much I liked it. So when I got home I was dying to try it in a cupcake . This is my version of a sweet potatoe cupcake. It has lots of pecans and a cinnamin cream cheese frosting garnished with a carmel wafer which is so good you can't stop eating them.
These were such a huge hit with all my family, friends and co-workers. They were more than a hit..they were a home run for all my baseball fans out there.
I will post the recipe in a later post but I wanted you all to see the fruits of my labor.
By the way I am working on my photography. Do you think I could get a job as a food stylist? Maybe in my second life.